One of the greater things about shadowing new hires at my last job, Verio was to have them type in the "yes" command. (I should mention that Verio is a web hosting company and deals a lot with shell commands). Anyway -- Like I was saying . . . the "yes" command. There is nothing greater, or more funny than this. Especially when done right.
I would have them do something only slightly complicated such as running a mysqlcheck. The lengthened command to run this check is: mysqlcheck -r --all-databases -p. That is exactly what you would type in. However, I would tell them to type in the following:
yes mysqlcheck -r '--all-databases' -p
The ''s around --all-databases indicates what they yes command will read. (Also I tell them some random stuff about how yes helps a process run smoother). They type it in and hit enter and their page begins to scroll:
This will continue until you hit Ctrl+V.
Boy, is their face priceless. Anyway, it runs the selected script/words at a rate that will fill a directory up to 1G in about 3 seconds. That is a ton!!
I'm pretty sure Strudinox taught me this.
Tell your friends and confuse your coworkers.
yes 'I love yes'