Monday, March 28, 2011

The Best Sci-Fi Books, Ever . . . So far, anyways.

Here is a list of the best Sci-Fi books I have read. Please add your own list (Maybe top 5 or 10). I'm interested in knowing what you like. I hope you enjoy these:

1. Hyperion Cantos (4 books)

2. Anathem

3. Slaughterhouse-Five

4. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

5. Ilium & Olympos

6. Snow Crash

7. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

8. 2001: A Space Odyssey

9. His Dark Materials

10. Enders Game

These, I am sure, are bound to change, but as of now it's pretty good.


  1. and the only one I have read is 2001...I have a lot of reading to do.

  2. I'm more of a Fantasy type of person, but I have to agree with Ender's Game! That's one of my most favorite ever (having been read quite a few times).

    I have read some Christopher Stasheff and his Warlock series (which, after the first one, really is more fantasy than Sci-Fi, but who can beat a robotic horse that acts like your butler (pretty much)).

  3. Some of my favorite fantasy stories stemmed from a Sci-Fi history. Such as the Dragon Riders of Pern. Of course, that's not the most brilliant, but it was my first brush with that type of situation.

    My favorite is probably "Black Sun Rising." It's interesting that, in both those series, it isn't until the end when you really learn the history of the planet their on.

    Now, speaking of books by C.S. Friedman (author of the above mentioned Solar anomaly), there are some very quirky Sci-Fi novels put out. The one I haven't read, but want to, is "This Alien Shore," but of course I've read "The Madness Season" and "In Conquest Born."

    I can't remember who wrote them, or the actual titles (maybe this will sound familiar to someone), but I've read a book with an Alien Invasion (in which the alien's most closely resembled elephants) and the required meteor apocalyptic demise of Earth. How many of those are there?

    That begs a question: Which is better, Deep Impact or Armageddon?

  4. I tried to read "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Robert A. Heinlein but got frustrated by the humongous jump in time right in the middle of the book between parts one and two.

    I'm not normally so set in having a book take course over a specified time slot, but the transition was too awkward for me.

  5. I'm not sure about the elephant one, but I think I've read Black Sun Rising, but it was quite a while ago.

    I haven't seen either movie for a while, but I believe I liked Deep Impact more. However, I only own Armageddon.

  6. As far as fantasy goes I would definitely recommend "The Name of the Wind," and it's sequel "The Wise Man's Fear," by Patrick Rothfuss. Best fantasy books ever!! And I mean ever!!!
