Sunday, June 12, 2011

Why Zelda Would Fail as a Movie

Chances are you may have heard someone comment about how it would be cool if they made The Legend of Zelda into a movie. There is one big reason as to why I think that it would fail as a movie. Most video games such as Zelda really draw you into their world, almost as if you are the one on the adventure. They are better at this than with movies since you are the one controlling the character and making all the major decisions even though you're guided by the story line the game designers set up for you. What makes it more effective in zelda is the fact that the main character Link doesn't speak a word the entire game. Since he never talks you can't tell what kind of person he is. The only way to find out about him is to look at his other actions, rather than what he says, which are you own actions therefore you see Link as a reflection of yourself having the adventure. Lots of other games do this, too.
So if they were to make Zelda into a movie the only way I would be able to accept person who played Link would be if they were exactly the same as me. But if Link behaved like me then no one else would accept it because Link wouldn't be like them. With that the case they could never make Zelda a movie that could live up to the game.

1 comment:

  1. First off . . . I never noticed, or thought about, how Link never talks. Hmmm. But then, it is also interesting how I thought he did. But really, it was me thinking and putting in the type of person he is. And now that I think about it, you're right. I wouldn't want a link, but the one that I know, through me.

    That is very interesting!!
